
Posts Tagged ‘conservatives’

Today (Tax Day) was filled with tea parties across the nation as people protested overspending. Where all of these people were during the overspending of the last administration, I don’t know. A couple of months into Obama’s presidency and they’re just too through? Ummkay. Whatever.

So, I wasn’t thinking that the nationwide protests would make much of an impact on me heading into downtown Atlanta for a meeting. Well, little did I know, the protesters didn’t want to be stuck in traffic either and many of them decided to take the train as well. Which led to an interesting ride going to my destination and returning. There was this:protest-pictureExtremely hype protestors who were oh so ready to throw those signs up.

And then there were the other people riding the train home from work/school. For the most part, many of them just stayed quiet and listened to music or looked out the window. But many of the black people looked like this:

 I have never seen so many uncomfortable black people on a train in MY life.

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