
Posts Tagged ‘dick cheney’

The UK recently published the list of individuals banned from the country because they demonstrate behavior that the country’s leaders don’t find acceptable.

If I could create my own ban list, it would be of the people/topics that I am sick of seeing in the media. Even if it was just for a month, they couldn’t go on TV, update their Web sites, go walking down the street looking for paparazzi, release movies, or make new music.  

My May 2009 Ban List:

Leaked risqué pictures: From Rihanna, to Cassie to Miss California and whoever is coming up next.

<– The ENTIRE Palin family. That includes the baby, and any future additions to the family. They’re like one long day-time talk show segment that won’t go off.

Dick Cheney. You weren’t this outspoken during the eight years you were actually in power. Go away.

Unnecessary pundits on cable news. Can’t ya’ll just do it old school and tell what’s in the news?

<– Elizabeth Edwards: I know she’s pubbing her new book and everyone loves a good look inside a cheating politician story, but why did she have to bring this story back to the forefront?

Miss California. OMG, I am so sick of hearing about her tit for tat with Perez Hilton and her leaked pictures. (more…)

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