
Posts Tagged ‘home remedies’

Instead of grabbing the phone to make an appointment, many grab their keyboard and try to look up a quick remedy for that recurring pain. Others may choose to just ignore it and hope it goes away. Some may borrow a friend’s old prescription. No matter what the response, for millions of young adults, going to the doctor isn’t a necessity, it’s a luxury.

Young adults are the nation’s largest group of uninsured – there were 13.2 million of them nationally in 2007, or 29 percent, according to the latest figures from the Commonwealth Fund, a nonprofit research group in New York.

Susan Sherry, the deputy director of Community Catalyst, describes uninsured young adults as especially vulnerable. “People are losing their jobs, and a lot of jobs don’t carry health insurance. They’re new to the work force, they’ve been covered under their parents or school plans, and then they drop off the cliff.”


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